"We were on a break!"

Do you know what I did last night, while Johnny was at the Jets game?  I came home, ate, cleaned up (but only a little ;), took a bath, all while watching Friends.  And when I was done my bath, I took the computer into my room and laid in bed and watched Friends.  Seriously, I watched Friends until 11:30.  It was the epitome of a lazy night.

A few more things I made with Handmade.  I’m having a lot of fun with this kit!  I bought the add-on patterned paper this month, and am very glad I did.

I bought a really great day planner for 2012, but the cover was awful.  I couldn’t have that, now could I?  So I made this 🙂

This next one came to me because I wanted to try weaving paper.  While it was a bit tedious and challenging, I was really happy with what I ended up with. 

Hope you’re all having a great week!
xoxo… t

7 thoughts on “"We were on a break!"

  1. Wow..great job on the weaving layout!AND you sewed on it too? GAH…you're too motivated for me!! hahaha….and the photo is so nice..the girls look so grown up!Friends.Rock.x0x0

  2. That sounds like a great evening! I ♥ Friends!Great day planner cover and layout, Tara! Weaving is on my "to-try" list, but I haven't done it yet. Your layout could just be the push I need…

  3. Oooh, love the day planner. I've recovered buck store notebooks also, great way to use up product and create something that makes you happy every time you pull it out.

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